Meeting for Worship on the Occasion of Business

Come to Meeting with hearts and minds prepared to be open and faithful to the leadings of the Spirit. Then the conduct of business will lead to truth, unity, and love.
When a matter is before the Meeting for Business, each person present contributes to the corporate search for a decision that accords with the will of God. Inaction is a form of action. Silent worship in the Meeting for Business contributes to the process of achieving unity.
Listen attentively to others’ words and use the silence between messages to reflect carefully on what you might contribute. When you are clear, speak simply what is in your heart, without repeating what has already been offered. While making your insights clear, lay aside personal opinions and attend to what God requires.
- Do I attend Meeting for Business regularly?
- Do I speak in Meeting for Business only when I am led to speak?
- Is the Meeting for Business held as a Meeting for Worship in which we seek divine guidance for our actions?
- Are we tender and considerate of different views, coming to a decision only when we have found unity?
- Do we give prayerful support for our clerks that they may be sensitive to the movement of the Spirit among us?