The Indigenous Concerns Subcommittee of Pacific Yearly Meeting’s Ministry and Care Committee invites you to join a noon screening and follow-up session of the film “The Doctrine of Discovery: Unmasking the Domination Code.”

The film explains how the “Doctrine of Discovery” was used to justify Europeans” seizure seizure of the lands of Indigenous peoples, Nations and Tribes in the name of “civilizing” and “Christianizing” them. This Doctrine was explicitly incorporated into US law in the 19th Century. It remains the foundation of US “Indian Law”, and the US legal system continues to use this Doctrine against Indigenous peoples to this day.

We are offering a two-session series in March and April, the first being a screening and initial reactions, and the second diving deeper into where we go from here. 

March sessions will be on Wednesdays, March 8th and 22nd, from 7-8:30pm (Pacific) 
April sessions will be on Sundays, April 16th and 30th, from 3-4:30 PM

If you would like to join our scheduled sessions, please reach out to the subcommittee at 

To see a trailer of the film, click below:

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