Minute of Concern: Gaza, Israel, and the Palestinians (Adopted 8 September 2024)

As Quakers, we oppose all wars and therefore seek a just and lasting peace in Israel and Palestine. We grieve the loss of Israeli and Palestinian lives and call for the following:

  • A permanent ceasefire.
  • End the complicity in human rights violations and war crimes by the United States and other countries.
  • Impose a universal arms embargo.
  • Release of Israeli hostages and Palestinian political prisoners.
  • Expedited humanitarian aid and protection of aid workers, including American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) staff
  • A lasting peace that guarantees safety and justice for Israelis and Palestinians.
 Photo by Marek Studzinski on Unsplash

We invite Friends to take the actions recommended by Quakers world-wide in the document dated April 12, 2024, “A Different Future is Possible: Quaker Organizations Share a Vision for Peace in Palestine and Israel,” including the following:

  • Organize and participate in teach-ins, protests and other actions until a ceasefire and a just and lasting peace are realized.
  • Divest from companies profiting from militarism, including the occupation of Palestine*.
  • Support those in Israel and Palestine who are working for peace.
  • Donate generously to humanitarian aid to Gaza.

We support this vision and add Orange County Friends Meeting (Pacific Yearly Meeting) as an endorser: A Different Future is Possible.

*See AFSC Investigate to check your investments.