Meeting for Worship
The heart of the Religious Society of Friends is the Meeting for Worship. In direct communion with God, we offer ourselves for God’s will. Our daily lives are linked with the Meeting for Worship, the Meeting for Worship with our daily lives.
Come regularly to Meeting for Worship, even when you are angry, tired or spiritually cold. Bring your joys and your hurts, and the needs of other people. Accept and support each other in the community where God dwells among us. As you do so, you may find the grace of prayer.
At times the Spirit may prompt you to speak in Meeting. Wait patiently to know that the sense and the time are right. When you are sure, have confidence that the worlds will be given to you. Listen to the ministry of others. After a message has been given, allow time to ponder its meaning and to let the Meeting return to silent worship. In speech and in silence, each person contributes to the Meeting.
- Do I come to Meeting with heart and mind prepared for worship?
- In both silent and vocal ministry, do I respond to the leadings of the Holy Spirit, without pre-arrangement and in simplicity and truth?
- Am I careful not to speak at undue length or beyond personal spiritual experience?
- Do we meet in expectant waiting for the promptings of the Divine Spirit?
- Are we drawn together in a living silence by the power of God in our midst?